- Health Advice

Bulging Disc Therapy

When your doctor or therapist discovers that you have a bulging disc, you must begin having a bulging disc therapy. The bulging disc therapist will help you in knowing the best postures are best to stay, and how to treat your spine so that you can boost its recovery. However, it’s not just a simple task because the therapist will treat you in phases until the bulging disc is completely healed. During the treatment, you will also take some antibiotics to relieve the pain you may be going through. But what is bulging disc therapy? What processes are involved and how are they good for the patient?



Pain relief and pain prevention

Pain relief and pain prevention is the first stage of the bulging disc therapy. Since every patient with bulging disc experiences a lot of pain, the therapist must find a way of managing the shock to the extent that it can be relieved or prevented. Although the signs and symptoms that the patients’ notice last is the severe pain in most body parts, pain relief, and pain prevention is the first step that the therapist takes in treating a bulging disc.  During this stage, any inflammation the patient has is also managed using ice therapy. Apart from the treatment, the therapist will also provide medicines for both the pain and swellings.


Bulging discs exercises

The bulging disc exercises are meant to restore the joints, back, nerves, and muscles to their normal stability, strength, length, and flexibility.  Moreover, the therapist will help you to exercise the most important muscles that are involved in controlling and stabilising the spine. Depending on the rate that your body will begin to recover, the therapist will keep on asking you to change the exercises that you are doing with time. Apart from these exercises, patients also go for massages and stretch so that they can also make the muscles that have become short and tight to get relieved.


Full function restoration

At the third stage, full function restoration, the patient’s pain, and inflammation have been relieved and managed, and the patient can do more exercises. With less pain and inflammation, the patient’s spine control will have improved. The therapist will now have to make your spine and back to function normally like a person who has never had any spine problems at this very stage.  The patient is also required to do more exercises in this stage but more complex activities. The exercises ensure that each body part safely plays can function when it is restored to normal. After this stage, the patient can go back to the activities of their wish without necessarily having a therapist to guide them. However, the therapist is there to ensure that the full function restoration has been achieved.


Prevention of a bulging disc recurrence

In most cases, many therapists stop the bulging disc therapy at stage three, but this is also a critical stage. During this stage, the patient does some exercises for several hours in a week. In case some defects are in your spine, the therapist will correct them and ensure that there will be no other occurrence again. There are also other activities that your therapist will ask you to do, like swimming, walking, yoga, and hydrotherapy to prevent the bulging disc from reoccurring.



About Charles Chapman

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